Tom Peruzzi's thoughts on digital, innovation, IT and operations

2 people are a NOC

Posted in organizational, startup failures by opstakes on November 10, 2009

Despite the fact that people cost money you will never be able to run a commercial 24/7 site with just 2 people in a secure and safe 24/7 way. On the one hand side you burn your employeees on the other hand side you will potentially break local law regarding workers rights.

And, to be honest, If you want to run your application you have to think about what the work of an NOC will be, is it?

  • monitoring, remediation
  • reporting, escalations

or even?

  • application support
  • ops tool maintainance
  • tasks like backup, rollback
  • qa topics?

the more you think about the more you will come to the conclusion that an active NOC can be a major advantage for your organisation and business. So, if it is not built as a technical Call Center but moch more as the name claims an operations center, than you will gain major advantages. But his means, that you need a structure and the right people, not 2 potentially not hundreds. And you need time, a working NOC is not a matter of a bunch of definitions and nice mission statements. You need role separation (dev, sys engineering, ops, noc), technical clarification and setup of the NOC itself, including processes, space, people and resources.

So what does this mean for startups?

You should potentially think about a shared NOC or think about when the right point will be for thinking about a NOC. And believe me, there will be long time no potential need for getting such an or structure up and running. Try to work based on OnCall procedures as long as possible. NOC costs money, even if there is major benefit. And a NOC requires working structures and procedures. So only start building a NOC if you are already aware of processes.